Penerbit  :  DAR MIZAN
Penulis  :  Rien Nur Azizah

"Teman-Teman, TOLONG kumpulkan buahnya, ya," kata Bibo.

TOLONG termasuk ke dalam 4 kata ajaib, loh!

Selain kata TOLONG, Bibo dan teman-temannya juga mengucapkan kata lainnya.

Wah, apa saja, ya?

Kita ikuti cerita mereka di buku ini, yuk!


"My friends, PLEASE collect the fruits," says Bibo.

PLEASE is included in 4 magic words, you know?

Besides PLEASE, Bibo and his friends also mention other words.

What words they could be?

Let's follow their story through this book!        


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Deskripsi Produk

"Teman-Teman, TOLONG kumpulkan buahnya, ya," kata Bibo.

TOLONG termasuk ke dalam 4 kata ajaib, loh!

Selain kata TOLONG, Bibo dan teman-temannya juga mengucapkan kata lainnya.

Wah, apa saja, ya?

Kita ikuti cerita mereka di buku ini, yuk!


"My friends, PLEASE collect the fruits," says Bibo.

PLEASE is included in 4 magic words, you know?

Besides PLEASE, Bibo and his friends also mention other words.

What words they could be?

Let's follow their story through this book!        

Spesifikasi Produk

SKU  :  RW-591
ISBN  :  9786232543133
Berat  :  430 gram
Dimensi (P/L/T)  :  17 cm/ 17 cm/ 2 cm
Halaman  :  20
Tahun Terbit  :  2022
Jenis Cover  :  Hard Cover