Penerbit  :  PELANGI MIZAN

Hey, let's learn about colors!
Roses are red, violets are blue. Before Kumi goes to bed, he wants to learn with you!
Kumi is a cute and kind cat. In this book, Kumi will help you learn about the colors of things around you. Red, blue, green, yellow.... Hmmm, how many colors do you know?
Let's learn about colors together!


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Deskripsi Produk

Hey, let's learn about colors!
Roses are red, violets are blue. Before Kumi goes to bed, he wants to learn with you!
Kumi is a cute and kind cat. In this book, Kumi will help you learn about the colors of things around you. Red, blue, green, yellow.... Hmmm, how many colors do you know?
Let's learn about colors together!

Spesifikasi Produk

SKU  :  GP-235
ISBN  :  9786024720506
Berat  :  390 gram
Dimensi (P/L/T)  :  17 cm/ 17 cm/ 1 cm
Halaman  :  10
Tahun Terbit  :  11901
Jenis Cover  :  Soft Cover